tirsdag 18. oktober 2011


Welcome to my blog! The name says it all, this is a blog about scandinavian music. Music is a big part of my life, and a lot of the music i listen to is from scandinavia, and through this blog i will write about scandinavian music and try to spread the word about all the fantastic music from up north.

I started this blog for several reasons, i want to learn more about webdesign, wordpress etc, and there is no better way then experimenting. In addition i really want to spread scandinavian music, and some artists that i really enjoy, but i feel is really underrated internationally, or even within the scandinavian countries. Most of the music will be norwegian or swedish, but i will try to post some danish, finnish and icelandic music too.

Updates will hopefully be daily, atleast it´s my goal! Some days i will only post a youtube clip and a short comment, other days i will try to do some longer post, both about genres, artists, and specific songs. Even though english is not my mother tongue i will write in english. I will hopefully get some international readers, and get the chance to practice my written english.

Comments, tips, and constructive critisism is highly appreciated! I hope you will continue to follow this blog and check out the music!

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